November 21, 2019, our students Zhanabayev Daniyar IN-16-1 and Zhumataev Erassyl Yu-18-2 took part in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Modern approaches to combating corruption: trends and prospects” at the Plekhanov Russian Economic University (REE) in Moscow with the report “Student self-governance as a new tool to combat […]
Daily archives: 04.12.2019
On November 29, an open curatorial hour was held for students of pedagogical majors within the framework of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru” on the theme “Bilimnin Saltanat kuruy”. The curatorial hour was held under the supervision of Bakaramova Symbat Amangeldiyevna. The event was also attended by teachers of pre-school and […]
November 28, 2019, in the Academy “Bolashaq”, Department of Kazakh language and literature was organized and held a national scientific-practical conference “Dauylpaz akyn tagylymy” dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Saken Seyfullin. The given action was reflected in responses of participants of conference with words of gratitude.
“First President’s Day is a good holiday. But it should be celebrated as a new milestone in the history of Kazakhstan’s development – the transition to presidential rule, the benefits from which the people receive today. Our industry, successful state, authority of Kazakhstan – all this thanks to the presidential […]
November 28-30, 2019, in the regional project office for the implementation of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru” held a seminar on “Innovative tools to assess the performance of strategic subjects of the Karaganda region. Vice rector for scientific work and international cooperation of “Bolashaq” Academy T.P. Smolkina, director of “Rukhaniyat” took […]