Dear students and teachers!
Znanium EBS offers free access to its collection of electronic publications.
We offer free access to all students, faculty, and researchers until April 30, 2020. (Test access can be set up for seamless transition!) With the Coronavirus pandemic, many educational organizations are switching to online education. We understand that the rapid transition to distance learning is due to the disruption of the educational process and lack of educational literature, and want to support all those who need educational and scientific literature. We offer everyone the opportunity to get free access to the Basic Collection (38000 educational books, monographs, journals, scientific publications) of Znanium EBS.

We draw your attention to the service Discovery Znanium – context search among more than 3 000 000 indexed documents in the open access by partner publishers, universities, portals (including foreign) + built-in system Antiplagiat.
Read more at Library website