On April 25-26, 2024, the XVI Republican Subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the educational program “6V01701 – Kazakh language and literature” was held at the Karaganda Buketov University.
The subject Olympiad was attended by students of the 4th year of the educational program “6V01701 – Kazakh language and literature” – Juragat Aymaral, Muratkhan Auzhan, Orazkhan Aikenzhe.

At the 1st stage, test tasks on “Kazakh Linguistics” and “Literary Studies” were completed, while at the 2nd stage, a comprehensive linguistic and literary-theoretical analysis was conducted. Students from 23 universities across the country participated and tested their knowledge. Our academy’s students, keeping pace, demonstrated good results and, it can be said, gained valuable experience for themselves.