We are against terrorism

Terrorism is the method by which an organized group or party seeks to achieve its stated goals primarily through systematic use of violence.

The notions of “terrorism” and “terrorist” emerged in the late 18th century.

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A series of the largest terrorist attacks in human history occurred 19 years ago, on September 11, 2001. On that day, the whole world froze at the TV screens broadcasting the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon buildings. The tragedy took the lives of 2977 people – they were citizens of 92 countries.

On September 11, 2001, the largest terrorist attack in history was committed in the United States. Four groups of terrorists seized four flight passenger planes, two of them were sent to the World Trade Center towers in Manhattan, New York, as a result of both skyscrapers collapsed. A third airliner was sent to the Pentagon building near Washington, DC. The crew and passengers of the fourth plane tried to intercept the control of the terrorists, the plane fell in a field near the Shanksville borough in Pennsylvania.

Terrorists (extremists) are quickly aware of a number of features of our time:

The authorities are highly dependent on elections and, therefore, on public opinion;
there are powerful media, falling on “terrorist sensations” and capable of instantly forming mass public opinion;
people in most countries are weary of and afraid of political violence. Today, the most common and effective methods of terror are violence not against the authorities, but against peaceful, defenseless and, most importantly, unrelated to the “addressee” of terror, with the mandatory demonstration of disastrous results through the media.

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Terrorism in any form of its manifestation has turned into one of the dangerous in its scale, unpredictability and consequences of social, political and moral problems with which mankind enters the XXI century.

Terrorism and extremism in any of its manifestations more and more threaten the security of many countries and their citizens, entail huge political, economic and moral losses, exert strong psychological pressure on large masses of people, the further the more innocent lives are taken.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Do not give way to destructive currents!

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