On October 21, 2022, a meeting of the EMC was held, where the Chairman of the Educational and Methodological Council Bekzhanova Saule Bektasovna acquainted the members with the agenda of the meeting, which included issues of educational and methodological support for the educational process of the Bolashaq Academy.

The heads of the pedagogical departments reported on the results of the National Qualified Testing of students in 2022 and determined an action plan for the preparation of graduate students in pedagogical areas for the NCT in 2023.
Head of UMU Tuganbayeva S.T., head of OPO Serimov E.E. acquainted the members of the EMC with the topics of theses and projects of students and master’s theses for the current academic year, after discussion it was decided to submit this issue to the Academic Council for approval.

The head of the library, A.A. Shvedova, determined the ways to monitor the provision of the educational process with educational literature, paying attention to the access of students to the Internet and library resources, including the RMEB, and the provision of students with educational and educational literature.
Ismagulov S.O., head of DOT and IT support, reported on the state of the computer park of the Bolashaq Academy (provision of the educational process with the Internet, computers and computer classes). The need for the development of this direction to optimize the educational process is noted.
The head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines Pakhomova D.K., noting the importance of certification of students in the OP Pharmacy, introduced the plan of measures to prepare graduate students for an independent assessment of professional preparedness.