On November 14, 2024, senior lecturer of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines Akhmetova Asel Kasenovna organized and conducted a visit to the IT hub “Terricon Valley”.
This meeting is held in order to implement the plan of educational work of the department. The event was attended by second-year students of the U-23-1 group.

The IT hub “Terricon Valley” is a place where progressive people and everyone involved in the field of IT, law, and management create something more together, work on their projects, communicate and cooperate. All educational events of the Terricon Valley are held here.
We were met by a friendly IT community specialist and had an interesting tour, told about the projects and plans that the team wants to implement. Karaganda is a unique region. There are no analogues in history of the situation that underlies the appearance of this city: about a million people were brought to the steppe, where there was practically nothing, but people together created a completely new city, which later became the mining capital.

The main task is to make the city more comfortable and friendly for the residents themselves. And, of course, the most important issue is the creation of a specialized center that could become a point of attraction for IT and digital in the city.

Now we are working on creating such an object in the city center where it will be possible to study, hold events, organize coworking. Then it will be easy to find an office and like—minded people who are focused on results.

In Karaganda, we cooperate with EPAM. It is a global company established in Belarus and is Google’s main development partner. We work with the Perspektiva company, which implements smart city projects. And this is an opportunity for cool new projects.