Report of the breakout session No.6
Pedagogy and Psychology: Current Problems and Development Trends
The international conference was held on 29 April 2022, both offline and online.
At the plenary session with a scientific report on the theme: “Family as an important factor in the development of personality” made by Dr. of pedagogical sciences, Professor of Karaganda Polytechnic University Ismakova Bibsara Serikovna.

Also, among invited speakers at the plenary session with scientific reports were: Isina N.Zh. on theme: “Organization of extracurricular activities in the formation of a culture of behavior of Primary School students”, and Muratova A.M., with the topic: “Effectiveness of using multimedia technologies in the learning process of primary schools”.

After the break, responsible persons in online format, by Zoom program, fruitfully held breakout session No. 6, titled “Pedagogy and Psychology: Actual Problems and Tendencies of Development”. Serikbaeva J.A. made a report on the topic: “Efficiency of using internet resources at the stage of digitalization”. M.B. Korzhumbayeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, with the topic: “Features of the family in the factor of personal development”.