The Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication of the Bolashaq Academy actively promotes the employment of graduates of its educational program by organizing meetings with successful graduates of previous years, round tables with experienced teachers and undergraduates, conducting special training seminars, as well as providing advice and information on all aspects of a future professional career.

This year, a round table was organized with the participation of second-year undergraduates and graduate students, which was held on March 17, 2024 by teachers of the Department of Technical Sciences Anastasia Vyacheslavovna and Abdresheva Madina Kabbasovna.

Within the framework of the event, undergraduates and graduate students gathered to discuss the topic “It’s one step from a bachelor to a professional.” During the round table, a variety of approaches and practices aimed at improving the effectiveness of learning and knowledge sharing were presented. The participants actively shared their experiences and talked about the methods that they consider the most successful in their teaching activities.

The students discussed various teaching methods, including the use of interactive technologies, group work and the method of project-based learning. Graduate students shared their experience as teaching assistants and talked about how they apply their knowledge in practice. After each presentation, a discussion was held, during which participants asked questions, expressed their thoughts and shared their own experiences.

Special attention was paid to the issues of adaptation to new technologies and the requirements of modern education. The participants expressed their thoughts on what skills a modern teacher should have in order to be successful in his professional activity.
In general, the round table was a useful and productive event that allowed participants to exchange experiences, get new ideas and inspiration for further work in the field of teaching.