The E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University held the XVI Republican Subject Olympiad among students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the educational program “6B01701 – Kazakh language and literature” on April 25-26, 2024. Additionally, students from other nationalities of Kazakhstan’s universities participated in the discipline of “Kazakh language”.

In total, teams from 12 universities took part in the Republican Subject Olympiad among students of other nationalities from universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Abylbayeva B.A., senior teacher of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of the Bolashaq Academy, prepared the participants and took part in the competition. The team included 1st year students Ksenia Dudukina, Ruzalina Muradova, Irem Bulut.

The goal of the Olympiad is to implement a harmonious language policy aimed at improving language culture and developing linguistic capital, strengthening the role of the state language as a language of interethnic communication, stimulating the use of the state language in the social and communicative environment, strengthening the status of the use of the Kazakh language, creating a need for the Kazakh language, increasing interest in the Kazakh language among representatives of other nationalities, creation of a harmonious language environment.
The Republican Olympics were held in 2 stages:
Stage I. 1. Competition “The University I Chose”. Each participant provided information about himself and the educational institution, that is, on the topic “The University that I chose.” (15 points)
- Listening and pronunciation tasks have been completed. (40 points)
Stage II. 1. Reading assignments. (20 points)
- Essay on a free topic. (25 points)
The Olympiad was held at a very high level, based on the tasks received, the questions posed, the issues considered, which cover modern problems associated with today, can determine the goals and objectives of the language problem. Rival teams from each university proved that they were strong, no matter what their side was.
Our students representing the academy also tried their best and demonstrated their knowledge. Despite the fact that we did not take prizes, we showed good results according to the point system and gained a lot of experience in the upcoming subject Olympiads and other competitions.

Students who participated in the Republican Subject Olympiad were presented with certificates and gifts, and the supervisor, Abylbaeva B.A., was awarded a Letter of Gratitude from the Rector of the Karaganda Research University named after Academician E.A. Buketov.