Report on the work of the branch of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication in the 2023-2024 academic year

In 2023-2024, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication continued the activities of the branch on the basis of KSU “Gymnasium No. 1” in Karaganda.

In the current academic year, the branch of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication carried out work in several key areas aimed at improving the quality of the educational process, as well as developing students’ research activities.

  1. Educational activities

1.1. Educational programs and discipline courses

Based on the branch on November 15, 2023. a discussion was held of the educational program of the department 7B01702- “Foreign language: two foreign languages” in order to assess the content of the program, its goals, learning outcomes and disciplines offered within the program. Having studied the educational program for 2023, the gymnasium teachers gave it a high positive assessment, and also made a number of recommendations on the content of the disciplines “Practitioner in Foreign Language Education Methods”, “Specialized Professional Foreign Language”. These recommendations were taken into account when compiling the teaching materials.

1.2. Methodological materials

Teachers of the department, with the support of teachers of the branch, developed a program of psychological and pedagogical practice, updated the electronic resources used in classes, which facilitated the learning process and made it more interactive and modern.

1.3. Introduction of new technologies**

As part of the implementation of dual education through the organization and conduct of all types of professional practices of students, new information technologies (educational platforms and online resources) were actively introduced into the educational process of the university and the pedagogical activities of students, which made it possible to ensure students’ access to educational materials at any time and from any place, as well as conduct classes in a hybrid format.

  1. Research activities of students

2.1. Research work

In the current academic year, final year students of group IN-20-1 underwent industrial (pedagogical) internship at a branch of the department, where they conducted experimental research within the framework of thesis topics.

2.2. Publications and conferences

Based on data from industrial (pedagogical) practice and the results of work on the topic of the thesis research, students Surovtsev D., Samatova S. and Tleugabyl K. took part in an international student conference and a creative competition with international participation. As a result of their participation, they published scientific articles (reports) and received 1st and 2nd degree diplomas.

  1. Extracurricular activities

3.1. Cultural events**

During the year, many cultural events were held aimed at immersing students in the linguistic environment and culture of the countries being studied. This included language clubs, thematic meetings, round tables.

– January 17, 2024, senior teachers of the department Ganeev R.R., Kurman N.K., as well as two student trainees Token A. B. and Kieva A.K. held a meeting of the “Speaking Club” circle within the walls of gymnasium No. 1 in Karaganda with the participation of 11th grade schoolchildren. The high school students were asked to discuss the topic “Free time and leisure.” This event set itself the following objectives: 1. To attract students’ interest in the English language and culture. 2. To form an understanding that learning a language is necessary primarily for effective communication. 3. Provide language immersion.

– On February 28, 2024, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Computer Science Abdresheva Madina Kabbasovna, Ganeev Ruslan Rashidovich and Tyo Anastasia Vyacheslavovna, with the participation of 4th year students, organized and held a round table on the topic “Digital Security: Steps to a Safe Internet.” The purpose of the round table was to discuss the basic principles of digital security and ways to ensure security in the online environment.

3.2. Student initiatives

The active participation of students in organizing and conducting events contributed to the development of their leadership qualities and communication skills, as well as increased interest in learning foreign languages ​​and cultures.

The work of the branch of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication in the 2023-2024 academic year was aimed at improving the quality of the educational process, developing scientific research and interest in the study of foreign languages ​​and cultures. In the next academic year, the department plans to continue work in these areas, introducing new technologies and approaches to further improve the educational process and scientific activities.

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