On April 20, 2022 on platform ZOOM, online Regional Subject Olympiad in Pedagogy and Psychology was carried out. The organizers were Karaganda Regional Training and Methodological Center of Education Development and Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”.

The Senior Lecturer, Master of Psychology, Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education Department Sabira Sartaevna Shutenova was invited to participate in the jury.
The main goal of the subject Olympiad is to reveal the level of the subject knowledge and abilities of the students as well as the level of their professional competence necessary in their professional and pedagogical activity.

Pedagogical Olympiad was held in two directions: -General Pedagogics and General Psychology. It consisted of three stages:
1) The first stage was performance of test tasks, which included questions with one or more options for answers. (30 minutes for the test).
2) The second stage was practical exercises.
3) The third is a quest (Learnis.ru platform).
The results were announced right after the Olympiad.

Sabira Sartaevna congratulated the winners and participants leaders as well as thanked the organizers of the Olimpiad, underlining the importance of the event as it creates conditions for realization of abilities, aptitudes, interests of students to the pedagogical profession, stimulation of cognitive activity of students, increasing their learning motivation level and popularization of scientific knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology.