Quarantine in Karaganda region since March 30

Bolashaq Academy supports the quarantine initiative in our area

Dear citizens of Karaganda region, the main task depends on us now – not to allow the spread of a dangerous virus!

Bolashaq Academy calls on everyone to refrain from travelling, going out on the street.

At this difficult time for our country, the main thing is to show a responsible attitude to your health, relatives and friends.

“Dear citizens of the city. The quarantine will start from 00.00 on March 30, 2020. We are taking measures to quarantine in connection with the registration of seven cases of coronavirus infection in the city of Karaganda,” said the head of the Department of Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of Karaganda region, Kanat Askarov.

Nurlan Aubakirov, mayor of the city, told about additional security measures, which will come into effect from March 30.

“First of all, the exit of citizens from their homes is limited, except for the purchase of food, medicines, banking services and going to work. The second, it is recommended for persons over 65 years of age to limit the exit from the house. Third, places of mass congestion – parks, squares, pedestrian streets, playgrounds and others – are closed. Fourth, restrictions are introduced on the mode of operation of business centers – from 10.00 to 15.00, with the suspension of catering facilities at them. Fifth, it is recommended to reduce the working day for two hours for enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership,” said the mayor of the city.

Besides, the activity of objects with the area less than 2000 square meters and all objects on sale of non-food products is suspended. Public and private kindergartens are closed. Beauty salons, public baths and saunas, bookmaker’s offices and other service establishments will be shut down.

Restaurants and cafes are allowed to work only for delivery.

Meetings in the streets and other public places by groups of more than three people, except for family members, are prohibited. Minors are not allowed to move around the city unaccompanied by adults.

Nur-Sultan and Almaty are now closed for quarantine in Kazakhstan.

Source: https://tengrinews.kz/

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