Presentation of the vocabulary of biological terms in grant studies

In the period from March 3 to March 4, 2020, Margarita Ishmuratova, Senior Researcher of Bolashaq Academy, and Anna Kalizhanova, Researcher of Bolashaq Academy, made a presentation of the disk version of the dictionary of biological terms with lingvo-cultural component with the subsequent donation and introduction of the latter into the educational process of secondary educational institutions of Balkhash.

In the course of the master class “Publication of articles in journals with nonzero impact factor” Anna Kalizhanova several times gave examples from scientific articles written by grantmakers, which caused additional interest to the dictionary itself.

The dictionary was introduced in the following secondary general education institutions:

1) School-lyceum No. 17;

2) Altynsarin School-Lyceum No. 25;

3) Rusakov Boarding school No. 3;

4) Secondary school No. 10;

5) Secondary school No. 24;

6) Seyfullin school-gymnasium No. 7;

7) Secondary school No. 9;

8) Palace of Schoolchildren;

9) Secondary school No. 5;

10) Secondary school No. 1.

The applied character of the research on “Creation of trilingual dictionary with linguistic and cultural component” was ideally matched with the character of the event, which was visited by the staff of the Indigenous Peoples Grant of the MES RK. The event took the form of a Forum, where students of all age categories presented the results of their research activities.

Thus, students of pre-primary and first classes presented the material that served as the basis for the game “In the world of entomology”, which was developed by 9 “A” class student Ovchinnikova Ksenia. Young researchers Danil Khokhryakov, Togzhan Yenirbayeva, Karina Ualiyeva presented their work “ECOYURTA”. High school students were not left out: Negai Arina, a 9th grade student, presented the project “Balkhash Phytohydrobiontics as a Basis for Environmental Monitoring” in order to inform the audience about the diversity of living organisms inhabiting the reservoir – the main indicator of good environmental situation. And Kovalenko Violetta, a 9 A grade student, presented her project “Tea with Balkhash medicinal herbs”. Valeria Voroshkevich, a pupil of 11 class, presented an electronic guide to protected areas in Karaganda region. And the 9th grade pupil Machulyan Roxana told how to make a tourist route using GIS technologies.

The project of the 8th grade student Nadezhda Ayapova acquainted the guests with the determination of topographic parameters of the area with the help of the device CHIR MART 64. Pupil 7 A grade Harkevich Timofey presented to guests a gift set “Tokyrau. Source of health”. A pupil of 8 class Ovchinnikova Ksenia introduced her work “Definition of higher plants”. Also during the event were presented the results of demonstration training experiments in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, programming, namely, “Robocity”: Robot Gardener, Lunokhod, robot vacuum cleaner, competitive models of robots, Smart Lamp, Smart urn.

The results of the effectiveness of the chosen school model were summed up at the plenary session, where Candidate of Biological Sciences M.Y. Ishmuratova was among the speakers.

The trip left a very pleasant impression of the interest of the Forum participants in the dictionary and of the willingness and desire of the audience to cooperate in the future with a view to working together on various research papers and projects.

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