On October 16, 2019, there was an open lesson on English in groups U-19-2 and P&P-19-2 of senior lecturer of the Department of Public Relations of Seyitova Lyailya Algamitovna on the topic “Shopping”.
There were present: Saule Bekzhanova, the head of educational part, Zhanna Arunova, the senior teacher of P&P department, Sharipova Aigul Maksunovna, the senior teacher.
Purpose of the lesson: Formation and perfection of skills of dialogue speech, formation of skills to make statements by means of supports, development of language conjecture, expansion of outlook, creative abilities of students.
Information and communication technologies – interactive whiteboard and video recording – were used to solve the tasks. The lesson was very lively and interesting, in the form of a game through the mobile application “Kahoot” on the knowledge of vocabulary on the topic. The students demonstrated good mastery of the material.