Guidance work of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication

On 14 November 2020, online career guidance work was carried out with Gymnasium 1 on the Zoom platform. Teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communications were able to join the vocational guidance hour held by the gymnasium, in which students and parents participated, with a total of 40 participants.

The participants were provided with information about the Bolashaq Academy in the form of a promotional video, video material about the Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication Department with the participation of full-time and full-time students.

Students of the full-time department of groups In-17-1,2 were also attracted for oral presentations.

This academic year the meeting with students is held for the first time. The students of our Academy, communicating with their peers, were ready to answer questions and talk about the department, about study, about opportunities, about their involvement in the learning process, in scientific work and other areas of life of the Academy “Bolashaq”.

Students of the Academy told gymnasts and their parents about remarkable teachers, student achievements and prize-winning places.

Pupils and parents were interested in the information presented. There is a branch of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communications at the gymnasium; many graduates have worked and are currently working here.

Pupils and parents have expressed a desire to have a second meeting.

We thank KSU “Gymnasium No. 1” represented by Natalia Guseva and the head of the branch of the department Rahimbayev Bayan Turabekovna for the opportunity to communicate with students and parents.

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