N.V. Gogol Karaganda Regional Universal Scientific Library

YOU are invited from 11th – to 15th of October 2021 to the Open House Day in “GOGOL library”!!!

The program includes:

  • “Amusing Logic” game, “Quiz” game (reading room);
  • Inform minute “The Central Library of Karaganda region”, Blitz-poll “My Gogolevka”, Book-crossing – zone “Say to the book”.


  • Trivia quiz game “Join the Travel”, BookQuest “Treasure Hunt”


  • Exhibition of rare books “Journey World of Books” (book storage);
  • Art-quiz “Cheerful palette”; Talk “Creativity and miracle work”; (art)


  • Blitz-quiz, Quizzes “Potpourri on Various Themes” (informational – bibliographic);
  • Fence-paper “Wish Board” (organizational department);
  • Quiz “How well do you know your land? (Department of local history literature);
  • Thematic book exhibitions (subscriptions, local history, foreign,


  • Book quizzes, competitions, photo – sessions, reviews, intellectual – cognitive games (foreign, subscription, art, reading room, information – bibliographic, organizational department).

From October 11 to November 11, 2021 the action “The debtor, call us back” was announced. All readers will have the opportunity to return books to the library (lending room) without censures and penalties

We look forward to seeing you and your friends in the library at the address: 44, Erubaev, tel. 56- 74-64

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