From May 18 to May 21, 2020 the defense of diploma works of full-time students took place.
Op-line protection was carried out using Skype software.
At the beginning of the protection of diploma works was defined regulations and set clear goals and objectives of the event.
Students-leavers of groups U-16-2kaz, U17-1k took part in the work of protection of diploma projects.
Protection of diploma works was held in the following composition:

Chairman of SAC:
Shagatayev Kairat Kunusbekovich – PhD, associate professor, judge of the Karaganda Regional Court.
Members of the commission:
Akylbek Taybulatovich Kabzhanov – Candidate of Jurisprudence, Professor;
Nikolay Vladimirovich Mazur – Candidate of Jurisprudence, Professor;
Amandykova Leyla Koshkenovna – Candidate of Jurisprudence, associate professor;
Abdimzhami Aitugan Zhumakhmetkyzy – Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor.

The defense of each student’s diploma work was held in the following format:
Introduction. During this time the student acquainted the participants of on-line defense with the formulation of the theme of the diploma work and revealed the relevance of the raised issue from a scientific and practical point of view.
Then the goals and objectives set in the diploma thesis were voiced. Acquaintance with the methodology of conducted research, which allowed solving the tasks.
Conclusions: this part of the presentation summarizes the results of the student and supervisor’s efforts, and summarizes the results obtained in the course of the diploma work.
It should be noted that at the time of the presentation, the authors of the diploma works maintained contact with the online audience.
The Chairman of the Commission and members of the SAC received detailed answers to the questions raised.