On April 25, 2020 the pre-defense of diploma works of correspondence students on “Finance” took place:
Full name of the student | Group | Titles of diploma projects | Full name of research supervisor |
Briko Mikhail Mikhailovich | zF-18-1s | Insurance as a tool for implementing the state’s socio-economic policy | Cand.Ec.Sci., professor Daribekova A.S. |
Zamanbek Yerniyaz Makhmuduly | zF-18-1s | Finance of joint stock companies | Cand.Ec.Sci., associate professor Vechkinzova Е.А. |
Mukashev Kanat Amangeldyevich | zF-18-1s | Credit policy of second tier banks | Cand.Ec.Sci., associate professor Vechkinzova Е.А. |
Sakenov Ryspek Zhumageldyevich | zF-18-2s | Organization of mortgage lending in the Republic of Kazakhstan | Cand.Ec.Sci., professor Daribekova А.S. |
Kazbek Gulim Kairatkyzy | zF-18-2s | Financial analysis and planning for the enterprise | Cand.Ec.Sci., professor Daribekova А.S. |
Ashimov Alibek Bekmurzayevich | zF-17-1к | Modern banking technologies and their implementation in the activities of Kazakhstani banks | Cand.Ec.Sci., Associate Professor Shevyakova A.L. |
The following professors of the Department took part in the activity: A.S. Daribekova, B.A. Omarova, G.A. Kadyrova, N.S. Daribekova, B.T. Akhmetova, Apeeva A.Z.
The head of UMU – Bekzhanova S.B. was also present.

All the students of the graduation course went on Skype at the appointed time – 19 hours.

Students made presentations on the basis of their diploma works. Teachers asked questions on the themes of the works.

The defense was on a very good level. All students have worked through their presentations.

The defense of the diploma works is scheduled for April 29 from 12 o’clock.