New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in Kazakh language

September 20, 2019 by the Rukhaniyat Research Centre in cooperation with the library, a cycle of activities within the framework of the special project “New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in Kazakh language” of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru”.
Objective: To create conditions for students to receive education in the areas of humanitarian knowledge in the state language on the best world examples.

Tasks: 1. Contribute to the increase of professional skills of students of all specialties studying at the Academy “Bolashaq” and expand the knowledge in the state language on history, political science, sociology, philosophy, psychology, cultural studies, religious studies, linguistics, economics, management, entrepreneurship, innovation.

  1. organize the permanent work of faculty and students with electronic resources, and the “Library” section of the website of the Academy “Bolashaq” to systematize and update knowledge.
  2. To develop the reader’s culture of personality in the modern information environment.
    The idea to make available the best university literature of the world in Kazakh language belongs to the First President of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev, it reflects the idea of development of public consciousness of citizens of Kazakhstan. The emphasis on humanities is connected with the fact that “Kazakhstan needs not only engineers and medics, but also people who understand well the present and future”.
    48 out of 100 best books within the framework of “Rukhani Zhangyru” program have been translated into Kazakh language. The rest of the books are in the process of translation. Among the selected world classics – works of the best scientists of Harvard, Cambridge. On them now 300 domestic translators, editors and teachers work. Ready works are already studied by Kazakhstani students.

As Rauan Kenzhekhanuly, Executive Director of the National Translation Bureau, notes: “Each textbook we translate is printed in 10,000 copies and distributed to 130 universities. In addition, there are appeals and requests from people who would like to buy such books for personal use. That is why we have approached private publishers, who have published additional copies for their own money and have made arrangements with major book networks. And these books are also available for purchase from them. The electronic versions of the textbooks are posted on the website of the National Bureau of Translation, where they will be available free of charge for everyone”.
Within the framework of translation of 100 textbooks Kazakhstan plans to establish close cooperation with leading higher educational institutions of the world, scientific centers and specialized organizations on book production. An important result of translating the best examples of world science will be a significant enrichment of the modern Kazakh language. In the process of preparing the texts, work on clarifying and correcting the complex terminology base of various humanitarian disciplines is being carried out, which is difficult but necessary for the further development of Kazakh science. As a result of the translation of textbooks, the terminological fund of the Kazakh language has been enriched with new concepts.
I year students of “Bolashaq” Academy got acquainted with the fund of textbooks available in the library and sites, for further independent study.

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