Keeping in touch with alumni, their further interaction with the university, participation in their fate is an integral part of the work of Bolashaq Academy.

February 25, 2021 faculty members of the Department of Pre-primary and primary education held an online “Alumni Meeting.
Among the participants of the meeting were graduates of different years, carrying out their professional activities in the educational organizations of Karaganda and Karaganda region: Adambekova G.G., Kenetaeva A.E., Akisheva B.U., Shishkunova O.A., Adushkina Y.I., Kordabay M., Bondarenko V.V., Kayyrzhanova D and others.

During the meeting, the graduates shared their opinions on the quality of training of teaching staff at the Academy, talked about how they apply in practice the theoretical knowledge acquired during their studies.
The young specialists from 2020 Kayyrzhanova Darina and Kordabay Moldir started their labor activity in the preschool institution of Karaganda No. 61 “Aygolek”. They told about their work as teachers, shared their plans for the future: on the 5th of March 2021 they will take part in the city contest “Young Educator” and demonstrate their knowledge and skills. We wished our young colleagues success!

The meeting was held in an informal, friendly atmosphere. Graduates noted that there is a period in everyone’s life which he or she recalls with love and warmth in heart. It is the time spent in the Academy.
All participants of the meeting unanimously supported the proposal to hold such reunions annually.