For the purpose of improvement of quality and efficiency of educational process, and also for exchange of experience within the limits of the agreement about academic mobility with the Karaganda Academy of MIA named after B.Beisenov, on November 27th, 2020 took place the lesson for cadets of 208 study groups on discipline “History of the state and law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” with use of the method of conducting studies “inverted classroom”.
The lesson on the theme: “Sources of customary law. The jurisprudence of the biys” was held online by the docent of the Department of General Legal Disciplines of Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan PhD in Philosophy, major in law Beiseyev A.
Within the framework of the agreement on academic mobility, the lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines of “Bolashak” Academy, Master of Law Kenzhina S.A. attended the meeting.

The concept of development of Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2019-2024 envisages introduction of innovative forms and methods of training in the educational process, tested and confirmed their effectiveness in the world educational practice. The new methods of teaching include a popular in the world practice form of conducting classes “flipped classroom” – a dialogue, creative format of interaction between the teacher and cadets, characterized by increased intellectual activity, academic independence and responsibility of cadets.

The session was divided into several stages and cadets were offered playful roles:
Experts – cadets Bolatova Aigerim, Taskozha Gulbakyt, speaker – Kim Anastasia and co-host – Bakytzhan Ulzhan
Stage 1 (involvement) 5-7 minutes.
- The topic of the lesson is announced (moderator is Bakhytzhan Ulzhan).
- On the basis of their existing knowledge, cadets (experts are Taskozha Gulbakyt and Bolatova Aigerim) make assumptions about the problems and issues to be studied during the lesson.
- Based on the questions posed and possible answers, the cadets formulate the objective of the session: “To get an understanding of what customary law is”, “What are the reasons for the emergence of customary law and the characteristics of its sources”.
Stage 2 (theory) 5-7 min.
- Students are introduced to the theory in a concise form (presentation by Kim A.)
Stage 3 (application) 15 min.
- Participants ask questions to the speaker Kim A. (experts Taskozha G., Bolatova A. also answer the questions if necessary).
Draws conclusions, puts out Bakytzhan Ulzhan.

During the lesson, cadets demonstrated the ability to work independently in the proposed conditions, successfully coped with the role of experts – cadets Aigerim Bolatova, Taskozha Gulbakyt, speaker – Anastasia Kim and co-host – Bakhytzhan Ulzhan. A self-study of the lesson’s topic on the justice system of Kazakh customary law and its sources allowed for the development of relevant presentation material. The lesson was conducted in an interactive way, and the cadets showed by their own example how important it is to develop in today’s environment, to educate oneself by teaching others, and to be active and proactive. Thus, the “flipped classroom” method helped to motivate students for professional self-development and self-improvement.
The lesson was conducted at a high methodological level.
Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines Kenzhina S.A.