I am Zharylkasyn Aysenem, a 4th-year student of the educational program “Jurisprudence” of the Bolashaq Academy in Karaganda. For practical training from 30.01.2023 to 08.04.2023, she came to the Prosecutor’s Office of the Ulytau region.
In the first days of practice, I got acquainted with the structure, basic principles and functions of the prosecutor’s office. I studied the activities of the prosecutor’s office. Also, on the first day of practice, I met with the staff of the prosecutor’s office. In this department of the Prosecutor’s Office there are: the head of the Department for the maintenance of public prosecution, the deputy chief, one senior prosecutor, two prosecutors for investigative cases, a secretary, a specialist of the 1st category and two employees of the office.

I was assigned to the senior prosecutor Bakashbayev Zh.K. and to the prosecutor Akhmetova A., who told me about professional ethics, the role of the prosecutor in criminal proceedings, teach the correctness of record keeping and writing acts of prosecutorial supervision. They also gave me a list of jobs that I do every day until the end of my internship. During my internship, I got acquainted with the structure and basic principles of the organization and work of the prosecutor’s office; I studied the basics of record keeping and reporting; I have studied the legislative acts regulating the activities of the prosecutor’s office; I participate in court sessions as a listener; I study the received criminal cases

During my internship, I develop the skills of academic writing, drawing up acts of prosecutorial supervision and response. I gain experience in my specialization and consolidate the knowledge gained in the process of theoretical training at the academy.
I successfully pass the production practice thanks to the deep knowledge of our teachers Ospanova G. S., Zhukobaeva A. A., Kuzhukpaeva M. Zh., Abdizhami A. Zh. in the disciplines of prosecutorial supervision, forensic examination, theory of judicial evidence, criminalistics.
My practice continues, I like everything. At the end of the internship, I will submit a full report on the internship.
Zharylkasyn Aysenem, student of the group U-19-2
Bolashaq Academy,
city of Karaganda