Jaksynbek Tleuovich Unchibayev was born in 1922 in Zhezkazgan region. Kazakh.
In December 1941 he was called up to the Soviet Army. He participated in battles with fascist invaders on the Voronezh, Stepnoe, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. Wounded three times. At the front he was accepted into the CPSU.
On December 18, 1943 there was a heavy battle for the height of 147.2 near the city of Krivoy Rog. Senior sergeant Unchibayev quickly prepared data for firing, timely submitted commands to change the combat position, suppressed the detected targets. On that day, the calculation of Unchibayev with a precision mortar fire hit two vehicles with cargo, destroyed and dispersed up to two platoons of the enemy infantry. For this feat Unchibayev was awarded the Order of Glory III degree.
The Germans, trying to delay the further advance of our regiments, on February 27, made fierce counterattacks, the infantry supported tanks and self-propelled guns. At a junction of two shooting battalions Hitlerites managed to get into our defence. Enemy automatic rifles approached the firing positions of mortars. Despite the threatening danger of being cut off from their own, the calculations continued to fire on the attackers. Courage and firmness prevailed. On the chest of Petty Officer Unchibayev’s Guard, the Order of Glory, II degree, shone. In this battle he was wounded. After the hospital in the autumn of 1944, Zhaksynbek Tleuovich Unchibayev was enrolled as an assistant platoon commander of the intelligence platoon, with whom many times conducted daring raids.
On February 17, 1945, after two hours of artillery training by force of up to two infantry divisions supported by 150 tanks of guns, the enemy went on the offensive north-west of Budapest. A group of scouts, led by Petty Officer Unchibayev, moved to Kemendi farm, where they covered the approaches to the crossing of the Gron River. They barely reached the border, as up to 30 tanks and two infantry battalions rushed to the guards. The forces were unequal. Jaksybek ordered to let the enemy closer and beat for sure.
When there were two or three hundred meters left to the enemy’s target, the scouts opened machine gun fire on the attackers. The Hitlerites lay down, and then began to move back five. At that time, the guards, tankers, who were hiding in the ruins of houses, began shooting at enemy tanks.
The platoon, which was headed by Petty Officer Unchibayev, destroyed up to 200 enemy soldiers and officers, 17 Hitlerites were captured.
For this feat Zhaksynbek Unchibayev by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 15, 1946 was awarded the Order of Glory I degree.
Zh. Unchibayev after the war for many years worked as a senior civil defense engineer Zhezkazgan Order of Lenin mining and metallurgical plant named after K.I. Satpayev. Personal pensioner of Union value, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of War and Labor, Honorary Citizen of the city of Satpayev. He died in 1994, was buried in the city of Zhezkazgan.
The material is published on the basis of the book published in Bolashak Baspa and the Internet.
Heroes of Karaganda [Text]: a collection of biographical information / ed. By S. Akylbaev, A.A. Abdakimov, N.O. Dulatbekov, R. K. Omarbekova. – Karaganda: Bolashak-Baspa, 2000. – – 146 p.