Alash leaders raised the national consciousness of the people to the state level. The Alash Party became the first Kazakh political organization to develop a set of measures to solve the problems of society at that time. The main idea of the Alashordins was the unity of the people, and this slogan is relevant to this day.In the extremely extreme conditions of that time, the Alashordins showed exceptional flexibility, at the same time they were principled politicians. The main goals of the Alash movement were the creation of a system of state self-government, upholding the people’s right to national self-determination, and modernizing Kazakh society using world best practices.
In this regard, on December 5, 2024, with the support of the akim of Karaganda, December 13 will be held in honor of the 107th anniversary of the founding of the Alash Orda autonomy, in order to promote the works, positions, and creativity of Alikhan Bokeikhanov, Akhmet Baitursynov, Zhakyp Akbayev, Alimkhan Ermekov, and others among the younger generation. Within the framework of the “Alash Month”, meetings with famous national intellectuals studying the history of Alash were held in cultural institutions of the city of Karaganda, lectures and cultural and sports events are held with the participation of well-known scientists and local historians in the republic.

On December 6, the event continued with a pleasant, positive meeting at Bolashaq Academy. The guest of the evening is the director of the Scientific Research Center “Turan-Iran” of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Doctor of Philology, Professor Islam Akmuratovich Zhemeney. The lecture was devoted to the topic “The place of the Alash movement in the history of Kazakhstan”, in which the reflections of the participants were expressed, and conclusions were drawn about the merits of the Alash intelligentsia..

The event was hosted by Adilet Zhagypar, head of the Scientific Research Club “Zhas Alash” of the E.A. Buketov Karaganda Research University. Students and scientists of the Academy took an active part in the event. At the end of the evening, Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature Mauen Khamzaevich Islam Akmuratovich presented an encyclopedic book about science.

The Alash idea, born in the early twentieth century, continues to serve the interests of independent Kazakhstan. Time will pass, new generations will come, but in the following decades and centuries, the worthy legacy of public thought and spiritual experience of the Alash intelligentsia will support the Kazakh people in the flow of history.

The dreams of the Alash leaders have come true. The ideas and ideals, positions and principles put forward by the generation of the Kazakh intelligentsia of the early twentieth century retain their importance and are still in demand. It is the duty of the current generations to successfully resist the new challenges of the time, in conditions of internal and external threats, the crisis of the values of civilization, and to defend the interests of the nation.