Discussion of the President’s address to the People of Kazakhstan dated September 02, 2024 “Fair Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, public optimism” with students of the Bolashaq Academy

K.K. Sadykova, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines, explained the provisions of the message.

The message of the Head of State determined the future development of the country and the turn to tomorrow. This is important for the development of all directions and the fate of the country. The new message dedicated to solving the pressing problems of every citizen of the Kazakh people showed that there will be many innovations in the development of the country and the life of our people.

The President’s Message highlights issues related to the prospects for the political and socio-economic development of the country. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev stressed that fruitful work was carried out at the last session, in particular, 102 laws were adopted, including laws related to public control, combating human trafficking, and laws regulating science and technology policy, thermal energy, and other issues came into force.

In his speech, the President identified specific areas for further work. These are the elimination of the discrepancy between monetary policy and fiscal policy; continuous work to improve the investment climate and the conditions necessary for doing business; taking comprehensive measures to fully utilize the country’s industrial potential; addressing topical issues related to the gradual increase in the country’s human resources infrastructure; gradual increase in the country’s human resources; taking comprehensive measures to strengthen the health of the nation and modernize the social support system; improving the environmental situation; it is necessary to maximize the effectiveness of public administration; the need to establish an ideology of law and order in society.

The Head of State stressed that special attention is paid to the social sphere, especially the protection of children. He was cited as evidence of the adoption of a law concerning the transfer of funds from the National Fund to children’s accounts, someone who attracted children to gambling, punishable by administrative law, tougher penalties for abuse of minor children, the adoption of a law designed to ensure the safety of children, the prevention of crimes against women and children. The President also noted that now many citizens have several loans, and this is very important, it has become a public threat. He noted that special laws have been adopted in this direction and many other measures have been taken to improve the welfare of the population.

The Head of State also noted that the responsibility for the health and safety of soldiers lies primarily with the leadership of the army and heads of law enforcement agencies.

“The observance of law and order in the ranks of the army is the most important task. Young people join the army to fulfill their duty to the Motherland. In order for our young soldiers to do their duty without worries, there must be, first of all, iron discipline in the ranks of the army. The armed forces and other law enforcement agencies must strictly comply with this requirement. Every parent trusts the state with their child who has joined the army. Therefore, the army leadership and heads of law enforcement agencies are primarily responsible for the health and safety of soldiers,” the President said.

Road traffic accidents are of serious concern to society. Since the beginning of the year, more than 1,300 people have died in road accidents, and more than 16,000 citizens have been injured. Even there are whole families among them. The President stressed the need to improve the road transport infrastructure and ensure road safety. It was noted that this is a matter not only of local, but also of national roads, and the institution responsible for this area warned of the need for proper monitoring of the technical condition of cars. The President was concerned about the decrease in the level of driver training, obtaining a driver’s license without special training. In this context, it was noted that the government, akims, the Ministry of Internal Affairs should work, and deputies should keep this issue in the spotlight.

In his Message, the President stressed the importance of gradually building up the country’s human resources potential. In particular, he noted that it is necessary to provide the economy with qualified specialists, first of all, to eliminate the observed shortage of personnel in water, energy, construction and other fields, to prepare qualified specialists for professions that will be in demand in the future. 23 well-known foreign universities have started working in this direction in the country, which need to be provided with maximum support. According to the President, the state order for training specialists will gradually increase and the connection of the best universities with the real sector will be strengthened. It was also warned that the internship of scientists abroad should not be turned into “academic tourism”.

The main goal stated by the President is to increase the incomes of citizens and create a fair Kazakhstan to follow this path. I think this is the right thing to do, because we have all the possibilities for this. Adoption of the new Tax Code, announced in the message, transport logistics, a new tariff issue in the railway industry, the need for nuclear energy, artificial intelligence, digitalization, respect for nature, tourism development, conservation of water resources, personnel issue, grant, 2025 year of working specialties, improvement of education, state order, development of mass sports raising social issues , special attention was paid to improving the economic situation and public administration, improving the financial literacy of citizens. Special attention is paid to the issues of replacing advanced financial policy, improving efficiency, fairness of public administration, raising the rule of law to a high level, and order. All this is necessary for the people, society, and the state for development and prosperity. In this regard, this message is now widely discussed and supported in all territories of our state in the management, educational and industrial spheres, and non-governmental organizations.

The Head of State recalled that where there is unity, there is life. As a key moment of his message, he called on the citizens of the country to honestly serve our country, perform honorable work, receive deep education and work tirelessly.

The question of the referendum:

Kazakhstan is at a critical stage of transformation of the energy sector. Currently, Kazakhstan’s energy sector is heavily dependent on coal-fired power plants, which provide about 70% of all electricity generated in the country. However, this model faces serious problems.
Firstly, the operating stations have a high level of wear, reaching 70%.

Secondly, electricity consumption in the country is growing by 3% annually.
In general, according to the forecasts of the Ministry of Energy, by 2035, electricity consumption in Kazakhstan is expected to reach 152.4 billion kWh. At the same time, existing power plants will be able to provide only 135 billion kWh. To date, the lack of electricity is covered by the flow from Russia. This leads to energy dependence and a decrease in the security of the country’s energy market.
A nuclear power plant can be a solution to this problem. The NPP has been able to provide stable energy supply for more than 60 years. There are no greenhouse gas emissions during the operation of nuclear power plants.

According to the World Nuclear Association, there are currently 415 nuclear power reactors in operation worldwide, and 62 more are under construction. The largest number of nuclear power plants are located in the USA (94), France (56), China (56), Japan (12), Russia (36) and South Korea (26).
Nuclear power plants are considered to be one of the safest and most reliable installations in the world. Nevertheless, accidents with negative consequences for people and the environment are possible. In order to minimize the likelihood of such accidents, the IAEA provides assistance to Member States in applying international safety standards in order to improve the safety of nuclear power plants.

Based on the international experience and recommendations of the IAEA, the Kazakh side has developed its own system for evaluating the proposed technologies, approved by the well-known French engineering company Assystem. 13 projects have been studied, 5 generation III+ reactors have been selected. Technology suppliers are 4 companies from China, Russia, South Korea and France. These countries have significant nuclear energy capacities, the safety of which has been tested by time. Together with the United States, they are among the world’s top five in reactor operation. An improved version of Generation III is Generation III+ reactors. They offer increased safety compared to Generation III reactor designs. They solve three key tasks: safety, cost reduction and new assembly technologies. Compared to the second generation reactors, the third generation reactors will last twice as long. Not 30, but 60 years with the possibility of extending the operation to 100 years, until a complete overhaul and replacement of the reactor vessel. Additional safety features have been added to the design of Generation III+ reactors. The emphasis was placed on passive safety, which does not require operator actions or the functioning of electronic devices.

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