02.12.22 The Bolashaq Academy hosted the traditional annual BOLASHAQ HANSHAIMY 2022 competition

The strongest from each educational program entered the competition.
We sincerely congratulate our girls who showed their performance in this competition and won!

The jury that accepted a fair assessment in the competitive and competitive competition:
Winner of international, national and numerous festivals,
winner of the “Golden Voice” 2017 in Karaganda.This year he held a solo concert in Turkey.Mrs. Meruert’s songs are widely distributed in popular social networks (Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, Shazam, Instagram, TikTok, VK, Google Play Music, YouTube Music, Yandex.Music, Deezer, SoundCloud, Jamendo, etc.)
2 Famous showrunner of the Karaganda region Birzhan Imanbai
3 Graphic designer, decorator, head of design studio “Yerke Mustafa” – Yerkegul Mustafa
4 Founder of ASPAZL catering company, owner of BEAUTY boutique (Biyazi), Turkish language specialist, blogger Makpal Meirzhanovna.

Along with the main prize, the VICE-MISS degree was awarded.All participants were nominated according to their performances.
Results of the competition :
“Princess BOLASHAQ – 2022” student of group K-20-1 Tashmet Dana

VICE-MISS BOLASHAQ-2022 Ин-21-2 Kurbanali Nurai
MISS TALENT-2022 Ин-22-2 Hagazbai Ulzhan
MISS GRACE-2022 Ф-21-2 Kuandykova Balerke
MISS CHARISMA-2022 Ю-21-2 Dyusembekova Venera
MISS BEAUTY-2022 Фм-21-2 Kaubai Aisulu
MISS ERUDITION-2022 Пмно-22-2 Oshakbayeva Dana
MISS ELEGANCE-2022 Ф-22-2 Dauletkyzy Zere
MISS CREATIVE-2022 Фм-21-2 Kusainova Aigerim
MISS SMILE-2022 ПиП -22-2 Muratova Zhanel

BOLASHAQ KHANSHAIYMY -2022 was sponsored by
special certificates of @massage_zhan and Meruert Toibekova!
We sincerely congratulate the winners of the contest!