“The greatest value of humanity is truth, and the only way to determine it is through science. Therefore, alongside truth, science itself is of equal value. A nation that does not encourage scientific activity in every way and does not value scientists is doomed.”
Albert Einstein
September 29. The Department of General Educational Disciplines of Bolashaq Academy held the twelfth and first in this 2023-2024 academic year meeting of the Intellectual Club “Scientific Kaleidoscope” . The meeting took place in our library.
It was attended by students of the 11th grade of Lyceum No. 2 of Karaganda, namely Beketayev Niyaz Aidosovich, Guseva Yanna Igorevna, Teslya Zlata Viktorovna, Tolsbayeva Karina Erlanovna. Attentive listeners and participants were teachers of the Department of GED, Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Mayra Baliyevna Shaschanova; Head of the Department of GED, senior teacher – Irina Yuryevna Grigorchuk and senior teacher – Stanislav Yuryevich Smirnov.
At the beginning of the meeting, the head and secretary of the Intellectual Club “Scientific Kaleidoscope” Stanislav Yuryevich Smirnov addressed the participants with a welcoming speech; he traditionally explained and revealed the purpose and objectives of the Club, its regulations for making reports. He also announced the opening of the Club meeting No. 12.
The topic of the September meeting was geography and the most interesting questions were those that are related to its very title: “Discovery of Planet Earth. Great Geographical Discoveries”.
The head of the Club proposed adding to the name of the Club the honorary name of the Soviet scientist, journalist, writer, traveler and permanent host of the TV show “Cinema Travelers Club” – Yuri Aleksandrovich Senkevich. The voting by the Club members showed unanimous support for the proposal of the head of the Club to adopt the new name of the Club from September 29 and perpetuate it as the Intellectual Club “Scientific Kaleidoscope” named after Yu.A. Senkevich.
In accordance with the agenda, the speeches reflected views on current questions related to issues in educational psychology and sciences related to the study of brain structures and the influence of low-frequency currents on the productivity of the neocortex, in particular, the difficult issue of teaching children with autism was raised. The report of the Lyceum students was called “Micropolarization as a Way to Treat Autism.” The question raised at the meeting aroused sincere interest among the teachers of the GED Department.
The speakers made their report, in which they expressed their desire to answer the main questions of modern science, connecting it with the past, present and future. Drawing meaningful parallels, they brought their own perspective and shared thoughts about how the study of the phenomenon of autism has developed, which branches of medicine and psychology are developing ways to study this phenomenon and help people suffering from this condition.
At the end of the meeting, Stanislav Yuryevich Smirnov proposed the topic of the next meeting, which will take place in October 2023, and will be dedicated to the science of geophysics “Unknown Forces of the Planet. How Underground “Treasures” are Searched and Found. We will learn about the secrets and mysteries of planet Earth.
We congratulate all participants of the Intellectual Club “Scientific Kaleidoscope” on the upcoming new academic year and wish everyone successful studies, excellent grades and strong knowledge!
See you soon on October 27 at 15:00! We are waiting for applications for performances from departments and students! The number of participants and guests is limited.

Smirnov S.Yu., senior lecturer of the Department of GED