On December 5, the Academy will host a meeting with the Teach for Qazaqstan Foundation, which offers talented graduates and professionals the opportunity to become teachers in schools where it is most needed.

The student’s final courses were invited to the event and it was prepared with the active participation of the KDM student government.

On behalf of the Teach for Qazaqstan Foundation, recruiter Janelle Apakasheva spoke about the program and its opportunities for graduate students, presented a presentation, which she commented on.

Especially during the exhibition, she noted that the Foundation will soon attract, select, train and accompany young and experienced professionals from various fields of activity who want to spend 2 years of study in regional schools. Where, as a result, the applicant can receive from the program such competencies as: leadership development, professional growth in the educational field. Interns will also have access to internal training and internship programs, which will be accompanied by methodological support.

The Teach for Qazaqstan Foundation was inspired by the ideas and contributions of a global organization founded in 2007. The organization consists of 60 unidentified partner organizations, each working to achieve educational equality in their respective countries.

In June 2023, the Teach for Qazaqstan Foundation became the official partner of Teach for All, the 64th country.
Teach with us, teach as we do-teach better than us!