November 24, 2021 at 14.00, the Department of Pharmaceutical disciplines holds a roundtable discussion on “The wealth of the state – the health of the people. The following reports will be presented to the attention of participants:

- Begaidarova Roza Khasanovna, professor emeritus of the department of infectious diseases and phthisiology NAO MUC, MD, academician RAE. “Actual problems of COVID-19. Clinic. Treatment. Vaccination.
- Zhanar Zharkenovna Berkimbayeva, Head of Epidemiology Department of the Department for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of Kazbek bi District of Karaganda City. “Sanitary-epidemiological situation in the district named after Kazbek bi city of Karaganda. Vaccination”.
- Altynbek Ayazhan, 1st year student of Finance Department, “COVID-19 Memleketimizdin economics aseri” 4.
- Asyl Torebayeva, a 4-year student of the Kazakh language and literature department. “Auyryp em izdegenshe, ayrmaytyn zhol izdeyk”.
- Kozhakhmetov Marlen student of the 3rd year. “The pandemic kesindegі kұққық salasy”.
- Abdirasil Islam a 4th year student of the School of Public Health and Biomedicine NAO MUC. “Coronovirustin (COVID-19) infection kezindegі aldyn alu sharalary.”
Location of the round table: Bolashaq Academy auditorium.