Khalel Dosmukhamedov, Alash Orda government member from the Urals region. Almaty, 1929.
Khalel Dosmukhamedovich Dosmukhamedov (April 24, 1883, locality Taisoigan of Kzylgan district of Atyrau region – August 19, 1939, Almaty) – doctor, teacher, scientist.
A large academic researcher, doctor, one of the first organizations of the health care system, higher school and publishing house in Kazakhstan, an activist of the Alash movement. Published over 70 printed works, including 20 books. It was a versatile gifted man.
After the revolution, he became a member of the Alash Horde government. In March 1918, Khalel Dosmukhadov and his namesake, about whom we have told above, Zhahansha Dosmukhamedov, headed a delegation sent to Moscow. Having achieved a reception at Lenin, the delegation handed him a decree of the Alashordinsky Congress, which established the government of Alash Orda in December 1917.
In May, 1918 at the congress in Zhympity the creation of the Western branch of Alash Orda was proclaimed. One of the leaders was Khalel Dosmukhamedov. After the birth of Alash Orda Khalel took an active part in cultural and educational life. In 1924 he was elected as a corresponding member of the Central office of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Working as a director, he took an active part in the opening of the Kazakh state university at the base of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute and was named the first Vice-rector of the University. Performing simultaneously work in several places, he participated in opening of a network of national schools, in development of scientific terminology in the Kazakh language.

Dosmukhamedov made a significant contribution to the development of Kazakh science: he wrote scientific works and textbooks “Tabigattanu”, “Zhanuarlar” (1922), “Аdamnyn tan tirligi”, “Оkushylardyn densaulygyn saktau” (1925), “Dene bitimi zhane оnyn zhumysy” and others. In 1922-1925 he was the chairman of the board of the society of culture development “Talap”. Collected materials about literature, history of Kazakh people, investigated the law of syngarmonism, published collections “Qazaq-Kyrgyz tilderindegi syngarmonism zany” (1924), “Sherniyaz sheshhen” (1925), “Isatai-Makhambet”. (1925), “Alash sozi”, “Bukaragadagy Kogiltash medresesin salu turaly yapsana” (1927) and others. He was elected a corresponding member of the Central Bureau of Local Lore of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1924), in the same year on behalf of the Turkestan People’s Commissariat of Education he participated in the Congress of Kazakh Scientists in Orenburg, at the All-Union Congress of Healthcare Workers. In 1929, he was appointed professor, then vice-rector of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute (now Abai KazNPU).
On September 15, 1930 he was arrested and deported to Voronezh for 5 years. On July 26, 1938 he was re-arrested on a false political charge, first to Moscow, then to Alma-Ata.
On April 24, 1939 he was sentenced to execution.
He died in a prison hospital in Almaty.
He was rehabilitated on February 11, 1958.
Source; https://www.voxpopuli.kz/history/898-alash-orda.html