Actively working in tourism development

On December 5, 2020 the director of Rukhaniyat A. U. Aupenova as a member of Karaganda regional tourism club took part in traditional annual tourist evening “Returning from long journey”.

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At the event were summed up the members of the club in active and sports tourism in 2020, were awarded certificates.

A. Aupenova was awarded the first place for the active work in the development of tourism. In Karaganda Regional Tourist Club she is called “Our Historian” for her voluntary work on preservation, research and translation of historical and cultural heritage of the area.

In the strategic article of the First President N.A. Nazarbayev “Bolashakka baghdar: rukhani zhangyru” the programme “Tugan zher” is offered, which is included in wider installation “Tugan el”. According to the Leader of the Nation, “The special attitude towards the native land, its culture, customs and traditions is the most important feature of patriotism. This is the basis of the cultural and genetic code that makes any nation a nation, not a collection of individuals”. The preservation of the cultural and genetic code is based on passing on the historical and cultural heritage to future generations, the foundation of which is not only material, but also spiritual values. As highlighted by the historian of the Margulan Institute of Archaeology. Margulan E. A. Smagulov: “… in every country, every nation has sacred places, emblematic historical or mythological sites. They are important for ethnogenesis, for understanding of every nation living on the territory of a state. They are anchor points, so-called staples that bind a person to the land, to the culture …”. And it is a great fortune if acquaintance with them takes place from childhood. In many respects these places are far away, and to see them you must go on a small expedition under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

One of the priorities of educational work is to form in young people an active citizenship, a sense of patriotism, and moral and leadership qualities. The most effective means of addressing the above tasks is through tourism and local history activities.

The romance of tourism and local history activities helps to attract and retain both children and their parents in this sphere. Tourism, more than any other form of educational work, allows to solve all problems effectively through genuine self-management and self-service of children. It is in camping that the unique conditions of almost complete autonomy of the collective life of children-tourists are created, which put the collective and its individual members before the inevitability of independently assessing the situation, making decisions, and acting independently. Conducting school and student excursions on a regular basis is a powerful incentive for the growth of domestic tourism.

Information on the activities of Karaganda Regional Tourist Club can be found at:

Director of Rukhaniyat A.U. Aupenova

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