On October 25, 2019, according to the approved schedule, the intramural stage of the Republican Olympiad in English was held at the school No. 81 in Karaganda, attended by pupils of 6 classes.
The main goals and tasks of the intramural stage of the Olympiad were:
– creation of conditions for creative self-expression and self-assertion of schoolchildren;
– to contribute to the formation of creatively active, developed personality of students;
– developing motivation to further improve knowledge.
– creating the necessary conditions to support gifted children;
Preparation of pupils of 6th form was carried out by a student of group IN-17-1k Sevara Hasanovna Romanyuk who already works as a teacher of English in primary forms of school No. 81 of Karaganda and is the graduate of college.
Out of twenty pupils, six participants took prize-winning places:
1 place – 1 person: Anastasia Zatynaychenko;
2nd place – 2 persons: Umirzabekov Nurasil, Nurgazina Kamila;
3rd place – 3 persons: Konovalov Konstantin, Litke Milan, Shulgina Alina.
Sevara Hasanovna noted that the biggest difficulties caused reading and understanding of the text. She also noted the lack of preparedness of some students to perform tasks of higher level and concluded that it is necessary to strengthen the work with motivated students.
Now we are ahead of the regional and national stages of the Olympiad, where we wish our graduate to prove herself well, patience, creative success and development.