“Academy “Bolashaq” announces a competition to fill positions

Senior teacher of the department of the Kazakh language and literature – 1,0

professor of the department of the Kazakh language and literature – 0,5

assistant professor of department of legal disciplines – 1,0

senior lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines – 1,0

Senior teacher of Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Primary Education Methodology – 1.0

assistant professor at the Department of Early Childhood Education and Training – 1.0

head of the department of Pharmaceutical disciplines – 1.0

Assistant Professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines – 1.5

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pharmaceutical disciplines – 2.75

Assistant Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication – 1.0

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication – 2.0

Lecturer of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication – 1,0

Term of application – a month from the date of publication in the media i.e. up to 19.11.2021. 17.00.

Persons wishing to participate in the competition with subsequent conclusion of an employment contract, apply to the head of the institution with the following documents: personal sheet on personnel records, curriculum vitae, copies of diplomas of higher education, academic and scientific degrees, document of academic rank, copies of certificates of retraining and advanced training, a list of scientific papers and inventions, medical book.

For references contact the personnel department, tel: 8(7212) 42-04-25(010), 17 Abaya St., Karaganda

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