Academic mobility of teaching staff in the Department of teaching and research

On March 04, 2022 within academic mobility of teachers of the Academy “Bolashaq” (Karaganda) and the Eurasian Humanities Institute (Nur-Sultan) lectures of leading teachers of the department “Psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education” were held.

D. Asakaeva Dana Salamatovna Asakaeva, the head of the department of teaching and pedagogical methods of primary education, held a lecture on the discipline “Pedagogical skill” for the 3rd year students of EAGI on “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” and “Preschool education and upbringing”.

The topic concerned the formation of pedagogical authority, personal and professional components, pedagogical optimism, mutual respect of teacher and student, internal and external sides of authority. Distinctions of authority and authoritarianism.

The lecture quoted statements of famous representatives of science, pedagogy and psychology: A.S. Makarenko, I.S. Kon, N.V. Kuzmina, M.I. Stankin, M.Y. Kondratyev, A.A. Bodaleev, T.N. Malkovskaya, D.A. Belukhin, etc.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “If a teacher combines in himself love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher.

During the lesson we discussed the following questions:

What qualities should a teacher/educator have in order to become an authority for children?
What can we, as future educators and teachers, do right now to make sure that the authoritative attitude is true and not false?
D. in Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education” and “Pre-school education and upbringing” lecture on “History of appearance and development of inclusive education” within the discipline “Inclusive education” for 3rd year students of EAGI.

The change of social attitude towards people with special educational needs from their total rejection in the Antiquity and Middle Ages, through the creation of special education for them (XI – XIX centuries) to purposeful efforts to involve them in full life activity, including through inclusive education in the XXI – XXI centuries is considered.

The experience of realization of continuous pedagogical support of children with special educational abilities in Karaganda region on the principle “kindergarten – school – college – enterprise” is presented to the students.

We thank the leaders and teachers of EAGI for the presented opportunity to share the knowledge and experience of our teachers!

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