A member of the Center for Humane Pedagogy, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Shaltayeva Rosa Zhiembaevna prepared students of the PMNO-19-2k group for participation in the Republican distance competition. Bolashaq Academy.
The online contest was held on the intellectual portal “Atamura” by the children’s and youth magazine “Qanatty Qalam”. The journal is approved by the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the journal:
-identification and development of students’ intellectual and creative abilities;
-increasing interest in scientific (research), creative pursuits;
-promotion of scientific knowledge and creative achievements;
-support and development of young talents in the arts.
The competition was held on the following topics :
History of Kazakhstan.
Language is the basis of independence.
The pinnacle of knowledge.
My homeland.
The world of poetry.
My small homeland.
Take care of nature.
Golden Fleece
Prosper, Kazakhstan!.
Secrets of colors.
The journal accepted papers in the following formats: essay, essay, abstract, crossword, crossword, test, poem, needlework.
According to the results of the competition, which was announced on 12.12.2022, in the nomination “My little Homeland” (essay), as one of the types of independent creative written work of students, the work of Diana Koshenova, a student of the PMNO-19-2k group. She was awarded with a Commendation sheet, a letter of thanks to her parents and a Certificate confirming the publication.

A student of the PMNO-19-2 group, Abdirakhmanova Dilnaz, took part in the nomination “Take care of nature”. This article is intended to draw people’s attention to global environmental problems and the causes of their occurrence. Science penetrates deeper and deeper into the secrets of nature, the laws of the universe, the internal structure of the earth, living organisms and man. Our world is our home. It is our duty to preserve this house at all costs.

Elmira Bekmaganbetova, a student of the PMNO-19-2 group, wrote an article in the nomination “Language is the basis of independence”, which, according to the results of the competition, was awarded a Commendation sheet, a letter of Thanks to parents and a Certificate confirming the publication.