VIII Scientific and Practical Conference “PHARMATICAL PRIORITIES AND DENTISTRY: From Theory to Practice”

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the VIII scientific-practical conference with the international participation “PRIORITY OF PHARMATION AND STOMATOLOGY: From Theory to Practice” dedicated to the memory of Professor Kelesbek Ashimbekovich Abdullin.

VIII scientific-practical conference with international participation dedicated to the memory of Professor Kelesbek Ashimbekovich Abdullin touches upon issues of coordination of science and practice, introduction of achievements and possible perspectives of development of pharmaceutical science, medical science, including dentistry at national and international levels.

VIII scientific-practical conference with international participation “PRIORITIES OF PHARMATION AND STOMATOLOGY: From Theory to Practice” dedicated to the memory of Professor Kelesbek Ashimbekovich Abdullin is held on November 22, 2019 in “Kazakh National Medical University” (Almaty).

Place of CONFERENCE: “Kazakh National Medical University” (training building № 4, 2nd floor, conference hall).


Fundamental research in the field of modeling of new medicinal substances

Theoretical and practical foundations for creating medicines used in medical practice

Integration of medical, pharmaceutical science and practice into national and international space

Standardization and certification of medicinal products and medicinal plant raw materials

Diseases of the maxillofacial area, innovative treatment methods and preventive measures

CONFERENCE LASTS: Kazakh, Russian, English.

In order to participate in the conference it is necessary to fill in the REGISTRATION FORM OF CONFERENCE.

The deadline for accepting applications is November 18, 2019.

Abstracts are accepted until November 18, 2019.


Republic of Kazakhstan,

151 Bogenbay Batyr St., Almaty, 050012.

NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University”, department of engineering disciplines of the School of Pharmacy, department of pharmaceutical, toxicological, pharmacognosy and botany of the School of Pharmacy, department of internship on stomatology of the School of Stomatology

Tel.: mob. tel. 87077383859 Omarova Rosa Amirjanovna

         Mob. tel. 87772341401 Sayakova Galiya Myrzagaliyevna

         Mob. tel. 87019880760 Ermukhanova Gulzhan Tleumukhanovna

Mob. tel. 87772458111 Boshkaeva Asyl Kenesovna

 E-mail: Rosa Amirjanovna Omarova

     Sayakova Galiya Myrzagaliyevna

    Yermukhanova Gulzhan Tleumukhanovna Boshkaeva Asyl Kenesovna


Please include ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                      (last name, first name, patronymic)

with the report(s)

                                                               (title of report, reports)


Organization ____________________________________________________________________

Position (if postgraduate, master’s, doctoral PhD, indicate course, year of study) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Academic degree of ________________________

Academic title of ________________________

Mailing address


Phone (with a city code) (house.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (cellphone).

E-mail (mandatory, as the conference proceedings will be sent to the specified email address) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

I intend to:

give an oral presentation 

poster report

participate in the conference like a listener


The texts of theses and scientific articles should be submitted to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Roza Amirjanovna Omarova, in electronic version at The theses and scientific articles will be published in the Proceedings of the VIII Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “PHARMATICIPALITY PRIORITIES AND DENSTISTRY: From Theory to Practice” dedicated to the memory of Professor Kelesbek Ashimbekovich Abdullin.

Preparation of theses and scientific articles

Abstracts and scientific articles are accepted in Russian, English or Kazakh (format A4), the upper, lower and right margins – 2.0 cm, the left margin – 2.2 cm, the title in lowercase letters, the text on one side of the sheet.

        Computer set: 1 page (for thesis), 3-5 pages (for scientific articles) in 1,0 interval, font size – 12 pt, set format – document WORD 6, 7 or 8 version, or rtf. Use only Times New Roman font.

Theses and scientific papers ready for printing must be submitted before November 15, 2018.

         Payment for publication of the thesis – 2000 kzt, articles – 5000 kzt.

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