PI «Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M.Dulatov»

Dear colleagues!

PI “Kostanay Engineering and Economics University named after M. Dulatov” at the International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Ways to implement the experience of management of agribusiness of the European Union in Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia”.

The conference will be held March 27, 2020 on the basis of Kostanay Engineering and Economics University named after M. Dulatov with the possibility of participation in intramu-ral and extramural forms of study, as well as participation in the section online.

To participate in the conference, fill in the application form of the conference partici-pant. Work sections: 1st section – Engineering Sciences in agribusiness (for participation in the online mode http://kineu.adobeconnect.com/section1; 2nd Section – Economics and man-agement in agribusiness (to participate in the online mode http://kineu.adobeconnect.com/section2; 3rd Agricultural Sciences in agribusiness (to partici-pate in the online mode http://kineu.adobeconnect.com/section3.

To participate in the conference public and political figures, teaching staff of universi-ties of the Republic of Kazakhstan and countries near and far abroad, graduate students, un-dergraduates and doctoral students are invited.

Conference working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English, German.




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