Dear colleagues!
I. Altynsarin National Academy of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is holding the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation in Education: Search and Solutions” on October 11, 2019 in Nur-Sultan.
We invite to participate: teachers-practitioners, class leaders, methodologists, educators, social teachers, teachers of universities and colleges, librarians, heads of educational organizations, heads and staff of regional / city and district departments of education, scientists and researchers, authors and developers of new methods and programs, representatives of NGOs providing scientific and methodological support to educational organizations, representatives of research organizations, representatives of government agencies in the field of education and science.
The aim of the conference is to provide methodological and practical support to teachers for professional development, to contribute to the expansion and renewal of the pedagogical community’s ideas about educational trends, to initiate the search and discussion of prospects for the implementation of urgent tasks in education, to organize a dialogue between representatives of different levels of education.
The invitation and information letters in three languages are attached:
Letter of Invitation to the Conference 11.10.2019Download