On October 10, 2018, Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication together with the Center for Advanced Training of Bolashak Academy held an internal training seminar with the participation of representatives of Macmillan Education in Kazakhstan and the editor of the scientific journal “Nature and Science” Dr. Gareth Dyke. The seminar was attended by teachers of English of the departments of foreign languages and intercultural communication, social sciences and students of the major “Foreign language: two foreign languages”.

The theme of the seminar “Language is a life skill” was devoted to the methods of teaching academic English at universities, writing articles in English, improving pedagogical and methodological skills, creating new opportunities for professional development of foreign language teachers. The seminar was dedicated to one of the most important problems that concern scientists – how to learn how to write articles in non-zero impact journals. Gareth Dyke shared his experience of writing scientific articles, talked about all stages of the process of preparation of scientific papers from idea to publication in the journal.

Gareth Dyke, a palaeontologist and zoologist from the UK, currently living and working in Hungary, carried the participants of the seminar into a warm and exciting atmosphere, telling them in beautiful English about all the underwater currents associated with the promotion of scientific results, often unfairly rejected, formally suitable to the work of the editors of rating publications.

The main idea is not to give up and panic with ashes in case of refusal to accept the article, but on the contrary, to correspond with the editors, politely, but argumentatively.

Confidence that the work really deserves publication and universal attention is the main factor of success.

At the end of the seminar, the participants were given certificates and handouts.

The Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication and the Centre for Continuing Education of Bolashak Academy are planning further cooperation with friendly scholars from Great Britain.

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