On August 5, Rector Kuralbay Nesipbekovich and the faculty met with applicants for a grant to Bolashaq Academy. The applicants were chosen educational programs of pedagogical direction – pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methodology of primary education, pre-school education and upbringing. This fact is very pleasing, as the teacher is […]
Under business visit to Turkey of Kuralbay Menlibayev, Rector of Bolashak Academy, a meeting was held and a bilateral agreement was signed with University of Castamonu represented by rector Seyit Aydin.
During stay at Bolashak Academy, Gareth J. Dyke conducted academic writing classes for students of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication. Gareth paid special attention to the choice of the title for the research paper, the abstract writing for the research, as well as the choice of the […]
We invite you to take part in work of the International scientific and practical conference on the subject: “Science and education in the modern world”, Stage 1 “Legal, economic and sociocultural aspects of national security”. The Conference will be held on February 15, 2019 in the assembly hall of the […]