Virtually everyone in the Soviet Union was afraid of being charged under Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. The Criminal Code of the RSFSR, which contained Article 58, was published in November 1926 and entered into force on January 1, 1927, and did not expire until January […]
Historical and educational center “Karlag”
PSIR means “family member of a traitor to the fatherland. It was considered to be the closest relative of a person accused under Article 58. The expression was codified in Article 58-8 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1926 and later in the USSR Law “On family members […]
The memory of the tragic pages of our history, of the victims of political repression and famine has always been, is and will be sacred for our people.Mass political repressions of the 30-40s of the twentieth century were the greatest tragedy for millions of people. Shakarim Kudaiberdiev, Akhmet Baitursynov, Saken […]
From June 29 to July 12, 2018, the State Gulag History Museum and the Memory Foundation, as part of international cooperation, filmed interviews with Kazakh survivors of mass repression. The filming of the project “My Gulag” took place in Kazakhstan, including Karaganda. With the assistance of Bolashaq Academy staff, contacts […]
Throughout his life, Andrei Sakharov was a very brave man. He was not afraid to speak openly as a human rights activist, to oppose the rehabilitation of Stalin and to demand an end to nuclear testing. As a result, in the 1960s he came under KGB surveillance, his apartment was […]
On May 13, 1930, Karlag was established by a decree of the USSR Council of People’s Commissars. It was given 110 thousand hectares of land, the administration of the Karaganda camp was located in the village of Dolinka, 45 km from Karaganda. At the time of the opening of the […]
The book collection of the library of the Academy of “Bolashaq” added a new work. A collection of poems by Bolat Magazovich Sagyndykov, a descendant of victims of political repressions is presented for readers. The book is intended for a wide range of readers. The library invites readers to the […]
Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic country, and the basis of its political stability is inter-ethnic harmony. The land of Kazakhstan has long been home to more than 130 ethnic groups. Different reasons have contributed to this: historical, political and social. Several centuries ago free people began to appear in Kazakh steppes. […]
Project “Karlag: Memory for the Future” is an international historical, educational, research and charitable project engaged in the study of political repression in the Soviet Union during the totalitarian regime, contributing to the moral and legal rehabilitation of the memory of those who were subjected to political repression. The author […]
October 29, 2020 Director of “Rukhaniyat” Center Aupenova A.U. took part in the Republican scientific-practical conference “Corrections and labor camps of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War and their contribution to the common Victory”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Day of […]
The regional newspaper “Ortalyg Qazaqstan” published an article “Үміт saulesi” by Bolat Kenelovich Syzdyk, professor of the Bolashaq Academy, candidate of law. Academy “Bolashaq” within the framework of the project “Carlag: Memory for the Future” published the book” by Sagyndykov Bolat, an honorary citizen of the North-Kazakhstan region, chairman of […]
Ahiko in Kazakhstan is said to be the Kazakh man whose fate was told by Nursultan Nazarbayev in Japan’s Parliament. Then Elbasy stressed that the fates of many Japanese are connected with Kazakhstan. And the story of Ahiko Tetsuro is one of the brightest examples of the firmness, courage and […]
Starting from June 1, 2020 in “Bolashaq” Academy the awarding ceremony of the Second International Competition “Karlag: Memory for the Future” is held. Winners and nominees of the competition are awarded with special diplomas of three degrees and certificates. Each prizewinner was presented with books published as part of the […]
On the eve of the Day of Remembrance of Political Repression and Famine the Majilis deputy, Doctor of Law, Professor Nurlan Orynbasarovich Dulatbekov met with the correspondent of the “Caravan” media portal. Nurlan Orynbasarovich told about the long-term project “Karlag: for the sake of the future”, about the books published […]
Nurlan Dulatbekov, Doctor of Law, Professor, MP, voiced a number of proposals to improve the preservation of archival documents. Nurlan Orynbasarovich gave an interview to the correspondent of MIA “Kazinform” on the project of the Ministry of Culture and Sports “Digital Factory”. The use of archival documents in the activities […]