President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in January instructed to prepare a law on the bankruptcy of individuals. A bill has been drafted and is currently under review by the relevant authorities. In this regard, Z.K. Usuvalieva, Senior Lecturer of the Finance Department gave an interview on the subject to the correspondent of […]
On April, 27th at 12.40 a curatorial hour within the scope of “Ruhani Jangyru” was held. The theme of national code of unity, shown through connection of generations since great Abay was passed as the red thread. The event was attended by students of all courses and teachers of the […]
On April 27, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Abdirov held a big meeting with public activists, mass media and students of universities of Karaganda region at Karaganda University named after Academician E. Buketov. More than 300 people attended the event. The event was […]
On April 27, the military-patriotic game “QAISAR” was organized by Karaganda regional branch of the youth wing of the party AMANAT among students in grades 10-11 at the stadium “Shakhter”. The aim of the event was to form military-patriotic feelings among pupils, to encourage the national spirit. To instill resilience […]
On the 25th of April the Council of Veterans of Bolashaq Academy met with the students of the Academy to discuss the Address of the Head of State K.K. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “New Kazakhstan: the path of renewal and modernization.The moderator of the event was Vice-rector for […]
The Chairman of the club of a humane pedagogy “Bolashaq” Academy, a student of the educational program of preschool education and training, group DOV-19-1 Laura Zhampeisova took part in the XXV-th international interuniversity student scientific conference “The culture of scientific and professional business communication” at the Peoples Friendship University of […]
On April 23, students in the educational programs: “Pre-school education and upbringing”, “Law”, “Pharmacy”, “Pedagogy and Psychology” took part in the XXV-th International interuniversity student scientific conference “The culture of scientific and professional business communication” in PFUR in Moscow (online format). The universities participating in this conference were: Peoples’ Friendship […]
On April 21, “Bolashaq” Academy doctor Kuur S.G. gave a lecture on the prevention and treatment of chronic iron deficiency anemia. Anemia is a decrease in the total amount of hemoglobin, most often manifested bydecrease of its concentration in a unit volume of blood. In most cases, with thewith the […]
The literary and creative contest “A heart that is beating for Alash” was held on April 21 at Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov. The event was timed to the 150th anniversary of the national teacher A. Baitursynov. A second-year student of the Kazakh language and literature department […]
April 15-16, 2022 the International Scientific Conference of undergraduate, graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov-2022” was held at the Kazakhstan branch of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. During the plenary session, held on April 15 at the conference hall of the Gumilev ENU, guests and participants were […]
On the 20th of April 2022 a city conference on a theme “Alty Alashtyn Ardaktysy – Kazybek bi”, devoted to the 355th anniversary of Kazybek bi was held in the historical and cultural centre of the First President of RK (Temirtau) within the framework of “Rukhani Zhangyru” programme. The head […]
April 19, 2022 Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Education disciplines Kosmanova A.B. held a practical training with 1 year students of all educational programs on “NEW HUMANITY KNOWLEDGE. 100 NEW STUDIES IN KAZAKH LANGUAGE”, implemented in the framework of “Rukhani Zhangyru”. The practical training was attended by E. […]
On April 18, 2022 Zhumabekov Beibit Kayirzhanovich deputy head of special monitoring group of anti-corruption service of Karaganda region was invited, who conducted with the 1st year students practical lesson on theme: “Criminal and administrative responsibility for corrupt practices in the Republic of Kazakhstan” on discipline: “Basics of anti-corruption culture”. […]
9-10 апреля в Костанайском региональном университете имени Ахмета Байтурсынова прошел республиканский дебатный турнир «PARASAT CUP-2022» на тему: «Балалар жылы: Келешектің тұтқасы білімді ұрпақта». On April 9-10 at Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanai regional university held national debate tournament “PARASAT CUP-2022” on the theme: “Balalar zhyly: Keleshektіn tutkasy bіlіmdі urpaqta”. The Bolashaq […]
Open Doors Day was held in the service centre of the Department “Antikor ortalyǵy” for the residents of the region. The event was attended by Denis Shakenov, Head of the Karaganda Region Anticorruption Service, Askhat Orazkhan, First Deputy Head, officers of the Department, local residents, law students from higher educational […]