On December 5, the Academy will host a meeting with the Teach for Qazaqstan Foundation, which offers talented graduates and professionals the opportunity to become teachers in schools where it is most needed. The student’s final courses were invited to the event and it was prepared with the active participation […]
Daily archives: 05.12.2024
04.12.2024 senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines Temireeva Kumiszhan Slyamgazinovna conducted a master class in the discipline “Bioethics and fundamentals of pharmaceutical law“ in the Fm 23-2 group on the topic “An ethical code reflecting the moral foundation of pharmacy workers.” The lesson was attended by: Golamazova E. […]
On December 04, 2024, the Youth Resource Center of the Karaganda region held the event “Regional Volunteer Forum-2024″. The Forum is an annual event aimed at developing and stimulating volunteers and volunteer organizations in the region. The event was actively attended by more than 400 participants from volunteer organizations, students […]
On December 3, the academy hosted an intellectual, educational game among students of the 2.4 course of the Kazakh Language and Literature educational program, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of Beimbet Mailin, a gifted man who realistically reflects the tone of his era, thoughts and needs of […]