Senior teacher of the department of the Kazakh language and literature – 1,0 professor of the department of the Kazakh language and literature – 0,5 assistant professor of department of legal disciplines – 1,0 senior lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines – 1,0 Senior teacher of Department of Psychology […]
Daily archives: 25.10.2021
3 posts
On October, 14th, 2021 in Barnaulsky legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia the International conference “Improvement of the criminal procedure legislation and practice of its application in Russia and the near abroad countries (to the 25 anniversary of formation of chair of criminal procedure of BJI […]
22.10.21 was an open curatorial hour on the program “Rukhani jangyru”, approved by the educational work plan of the department “Pre-school education and upbringing”, the participants: Vice-rector Ismailova R.N., candidate of pedagogical sciences Shaltaeva R.Z., senior teachers Janysbaeva R.M., Bakaramova S.A. Relevance Long-term quarantine measures introduced in many countries around […]