On June 10-11, 2021 the head of the Kazakh language and literature department, professor Sembiev K.Z. took part and spoke at the online international Turkish symposium “UNUS EMRE AND FROM THE PAST TO PRESENT” at Ataturk University in Erzurum.
Daily archives: 16.06.2021
The Museum of victims of political repressions in Dolinka village from June 1 till June 30, 2021 together with the Academy “Bolashaq” a mobile exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding physicist, public figure, human rights activist and humanitarian thinker of planetary scale – Andrei D. Sakharov within […]
Rysmagambetov Kamiy Makanovich CORPORAL / SUBMACHINE GUNNER1.01.1920 – 9.03.1991 In October, 1940, Rysmagambetov Kamiy Makanovich was called up for military service in Adamovskiy RVC. He served in 25th frontier guard detachment of 20th outpost as a gunner. With the beginning of the war he was enrolled in 336th infantry division […]
My grandfather Kusainov Azharbek Kusainov Azharbek, born in 1918 in the village of 10, now Shet district, is a native of Akshatau. In 1939, he was drafted into the Red Army and began his combat duty in Haltengal (Vladivostok). First he fought in the Great Patriotic War, and then in […]
Pass on the memory to future generations: Ibrai Zhulkenov Since childhood, I saw a black and white photo of a very young man on the wall in our house. I had been looking at it for a long time, as if I was talking to the man in the picture. […]
Bolashaq Academy Library continues to acquaint readers with new works from its collection. We present to your attention the fiction collection of the library. The library invites readers to the address: 17 Abaya Street. 84 (5 Қаз)Ә 74 ӘСЕМҚҰЛОВ Т.Талтүс: роман / Таласбек Әсемқұлов. Кәрі Күйші: әңгіме /Таласбек Әсемкұлов Тәттімбет […]