On March 1, Kazakhstan marks Gratitude Day, a new holiday filled with special meaning and spiritual joy. On this day, for the fifth year in a row, Bolashaq Academy smells delicious bread. Each employee of the university gets a big bread basket as a sign of gratitude from the management […]
Daily archives: 27.02.2020
3 posts
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of al-Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to participate in the International conference of students and young scientists “Farabi Alemi 2020”. The reports of the participants in the direction “Chemistry” will be heard on April 6-7, 2020 at section sessions. Abstracts will be accepted […]
On February 26, the annual, traditional inter-faculty game of the Club of Merry and Inventive, dedicated to the Year of volunteer was organized. 7 teams took part in the long-awaited game: 1. ‘Abzal Jandar’ (Pharmacy); 2. ‘JasSTAR’ (Pedagogy and Psychology); 3. ‘Bir Uidin Balalary’ (Pharmacy); 4. ‘Ne Angime?’ (Jurisprudence); 5. […]