On October 18, 2019 the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan Saidikram Parkhatovich Niyazhodzhaev visited the Bolashaq Academy. After meeting with students in the auditorium Sayidikram Parkhatovich visited the House of students and apartments, where our students live. Mr. Ambassador noted the […]
Monthly archives: October 2019
On October 7-10, 2019, a seminar for teachers of secondary schools and higher education institutions on the following topical issues was held at the University of Narykbayev KAZGU in Nur-Sultan:1.Professional development for inclusive education – 2 days.2.Content and Language Integrated Learning – 2 days. The theme of inclusive education is […]
On October 18, 2019 the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan Saidikram Parkhatovich Niyazhodzhaev visited the Bolashaq Academy. This is the first visit of the Ambassador to Bolashaq. Saidikram Parkhatovich met with students of the academy, answered their questions in a friendly […]
October 15, 2019, under a joint agreement between the Academy “Bolashaq” and the regional library named after Gogol and in accordance with the plan of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines “Rukhani Zhangyru” 2019-2020, second year students, groups of Fm 18-1,2 visited Gogol universal regional library, which held an Open Day. […]
On October 16, in the House of students of the Academy “Bolashaq” took place the meeting of the Student Leadership of the Student Republic “Bolashaq”. The conversation was productive and held in friendly atmosphere. The result of the meeting was the approval of the member of the “Bolashaq” Government S.N. […]
On October 16, the Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region within the limits of propaganda of healthy lifestyle in Sapiyev Boxing Center, the tournament “Crossing Cup of Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region” was held on mini-football. Teams of Karaganda Region Youth Resource Center, Karaganda City Youth Resource Center, Creative […]
October 16, 2019 in the Academy “Bolashaq” in the framework of the special project “Modern Kazakh culture in the global world” of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru” was held a meeting of the Academy teaching staff and student youth with a bright representative of modern Kazakh culture Zh.Y.Aubakirova. Zhaniya Yakhiaevna […]
On October 16, 2019, there was an open lesson on English in groups U-19-2 and P&P-19-2 of senior lecturer of the Department of Public Relations of Seyitova Lyailya Algamitovna on the topic “Shopping”. There were present: Saule Bekzhanova, the head of educational part, Zhanna Arunova, the senior teacher of P&P […]
On October 15, the Hour of Integrity took place at Bolashaq Academy for students. Head of the Department of Social and Educational Disciplines Associate Professor E.B. Kassenov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department N.E. Elekbayev discussed with students the topics of honesty and discretion, as well as the prevention […]
October 15, 2019 in Gogol Karaganda Regional Library was held an open day with the participation of first-year students of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication of the “Bolashaq” Academy. The agenda of the interesting and informative program consisted of the following items: – Library Quest “You don’t […]
On October 16, in the assembly hall of “Bolashaq” academy there was a creative meeting with the People’s Artist of RK, laureate of the state award of RK Zhaniya Aubakirova (official site of Zhaniya Aubakirova http://aubakirova.com/). By the decision of the Academic Council Zhaniya Yakhiaevna Aubakirova was awarded the title […]
On October 10, a meeting of the student scientific circle “Adilet” was held on the theme: “Academic Integrity and Anti-Corruption Culture”. The meeting of the circle was held by Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of legal disciplines A.T. Kabzhanov. The participants of the meeting of the […]
October 14th is an extraordinary day! Why? Because the first meeting of the psychological club “Personality Plus” on the theme “Interesting research in the history of psychology and modern science (retrospective and the results of scientific student work)” was held this academic year, which was attended by students from freshmen […]
On October 11-12, 2019, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines Murzaliyeva Gulnara Tleukhanovna took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern aspects of medicine and pharmacy: education, science and practice” dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy […]
On October 14, 2019, a training seminar within the framework of institutional and specialized accreditation was held at the Bolashaq Academy by the Independent Quality Assurance and Education Agency IQAA. The seminar was conducted by Jigitcheyeva Karlygash Mukharedenovna, Project Manager for the expertise of universities and colleges. All standards for […]