Academic and Methodology Administration

Mission: organization of the educational process in the Academy in accordance with the requirements of normative and regulatory documents of the MES RK, organization of educational and methodical work in the university, interuniversity cooperation within the framework of academic mobility.

The aim: to increase the efficiency of the educational process, the quality of educational programs, the quality of training of specialists, satisfying the needs of the labor market.


-to achieve a high level of training specialists who meet the needs of the labor market through the implementation of educational programs focused on learning outcomes;

-Ensuring the implementation of the basic, recommendatory and optional parameters of the Bologna process in the university;

-Control over the compliance with the licensing and accreditation

Control over the fulfillment of licensing and accreditation requirements for the implementation of educational programs, quality control of educational activities in the university;

Establishment and development of inter-university cooperation in the framework of academic mobility of teachers, students and undergraduates of “Bolashaq” Academy;

-Implementation of dual education and improving the employability of graduates;

-Forming the image of the academy on the Kazakhstani and international levels and strengthening the competitive position of the academy “Bolashaq” in the market of educational services.


-providing normative and educational-methodical documents on the organization of the educational process in the academy;

-Organization of development and updating the educational programs, working curricula of the baccalaureate program;

-monitoring and evaluating the quality of the SP implementation, including review and approval of the concepts of programs, working curricula, academic calendar, programs of disciplines and courses, practicum programs, state examinations and other educational and methodological documents;

-monitoring of new tendencies in education, changes in the sphere of education management and the market of educational services, coordination of work on the creation and implementation of new educational technologies and methods in the educational process;

– preparation of documentation for participation in the contest among higher educational institutions for placement of the state order for training specialists;

-Preparation of documentation in accordance with licensing requirements for obtaining a license for training in new areas;

-Organization of academic mobility of students in Kazakhstani and foreign universities;

Formation of reports on post-accreditation monitoring of the university activities;

-Coordination of all kinds of professional practice in the academy;

-Interaction with local executive authorities, public organizations and associations, enterprises (organizations, institutions) – employers who are interested in improvement of graduates’ position in the labor market;

-collection, analysis and presentation of information about the university for participation in national and international rankings of universities;

– Coordination of work in organizing final attestation of students and graduates, analysis of AC results, participation in forming AC membership, organization of work in approving AC chairmen.

Bekzhanova Saule Bektasovna

Position: Head of the Educational and Methodological Department

Education: Higher: Karaganda State University named after Buketov E.A., historical faculty, historian, teacher of history and socio-political disciplines. In 1991 she graduated with honors from the Historical Faculty of Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, in the same year she was hired as a teacher of the Department of World History at Karaganda State University. In 2000 she graduated from graduate school at the same department.

Achievements: Winner of intramural competitions “Best Employee” in 2015, “Master of Management” in 2018. Awarded a letter of gratitude from the Akim of Karaganda region in 2014 and a Certificate of Merit from the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017.

Professional activities in the Academy: In the Academy “Bolashaq” works since November 1, 2010, first as a specialist of the educational and methodological department, on September 1, 2014 she headed the Center for the Bologna Process and academic mobility. Since September 1, 2015 and to this day is the Head of the Educational and Methodological Department of the Academy.

Contacts: Phone: 8-7212-42-04-25 (ext. 046), e-mail:

The structure of the Educational-methodical department:

Konysbaeva Zhumagul Meyrzhanovna-UMU expert on practice

16, Yerubaeva str.

Tel. (87212) 42 04 25 (ext.056) e-mail:

Kassetova Nasihat Kumisbekovna- Specialist of KMU on academic mobility

16, Yerubaeva str.

Tel. (87212) 42 04 25 (ext.049) e-mail: umu-1-academy-bolashaq@mail.r

Mission of Educational and methodical department: organization of educational process in the Academy in accordance with the requirements of normative and regulating documents of the MES RK, organization of educational and methodical work in the university, interuniversity cooperation within the framework of academic mobility.

The purpose of education and methodical department: improving the efficiency of the educational process, the quality of educational programs, the quality of training of specialists who meet the needs of the labor market.

Objectives of Educational and methodical department:

-Delivering a high level of specialist training that meets the needs of the labor market through the implementation of educational programs focused on learning outcomes;

-Ensuring the implementation in the university of the basic, recommendatory and optional parameters of the Bologna process;

-Control over the compliance with the licensing and accreditation

Control over the fulfillment of licensing and accreditation requirements for the implementation of educational programs, quality control of educational activities in the university;

Establishment and development of inter-university cooperation in the framework of academic mobility of teachers, students and undergraduates of “Bolashaq” Academy;

-Implementation of dual education and improving the employability of graduates;

-Formation of the academy’s image on the Kazakhstani and international levels and strengthening of Bolashaq’s competitive position in the market of educational services.

Functions of Educational and Methodological Department:

-providing normative and educational-methodical documents on the organization of the educational process in the academy;

-Organization of development of modular educational programs (MEP), working curricula of Bachelor’s and Master’s programs;

-monitoring and evaluating the quality of SP implementation, including review and approval of the concepts of programs, working curricula, academic calendar, programs of disciplines and courses, internship programs, state exams and other educational and methodological documents;

-monitoring of new tendencies in education, changes in the sphere of education management and the market of educational services, coordination of work on the creation and implementation of new educational technologies and methods in the educational process;

– preparation of documentation for participation in the contest among higher educational institutions for placement of the state order for training specialists;

-Preparation of documentation in accordance with licensing requirements for obtaining a license for training in new areas;

-Organization of academic mobility of students in Kazakhstani and foreign universities;

Formation of reports on post-accreditation monitoring of the university activities;

-Coordination of all kinds of professional practice in the academy;

-Interaction with local executive authorities, including the department of employment and social programs of Karaganda, public organizations and associations, enterprises (organizations, institutions) – employers, interested in improvement of graduates’ situation in the labor market;

-collection, analysis and presentation of information about the university for participation in national and international rankings of universities;

– Coordination of work on the organization of final certification of students, analysis of the results of the SAC, participation in the formation of the SAC, organization of work on the approval of the chairmen of the SAC.