Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “TATISHCHESCHIEVSKI readings: Actual problems of science and practice” that will be held on April 23-24, 2021 by correspondence.
Bolashaq Academy is the co-organiser of this conference.
The aim of the ISPC is to assess the main trends in the development of science and practice in different regions of Russia and the world.
The main objectives of the conference are:
posing and discussing problems, methods and approaches in solving problems related to the research and implementation of best practices in the field of current scientific areas;
exchange of experience; comparative analysis and discussion of the results of scientific work
Discussion of the prospects for the development of scientific directions within the framework of domestic and foreign scientific schools;
Establishment of scientific relations between young and leading scientists to improve the level of research, expanding opportunities for the implementation of research results in practice.
Proceedings are placed in NEB to form the RSC, ISBN is assigned.
Main directions of the conference
Current problems of jurisprudence
1.1 Problems of theory and history of state and law.
1.2. Issues of constitutional, international and municipal law.
1.3. Issues of administrative law, procedure and environmental law.
Problems of civil law, procedure and labour law.
Problems of criminal law, procedure, criminology and criminalistics.
Contemporary problems of social and economic development
2.1 Management of the development of economic systems. Digital economy.
2.2 Analysis, accounting and audit of economic systems.
2.3. Organizational and economic mechanisms for managing educational systems.
2.4. Management of financial and credit activities of economic systems.
Topical problems of ecology and environmental protection
3.1 Problems of biological and medical ecology.
3.2. Problems of nature management and environmental protection. 3.3.
Problems of applied and social ecology. 3.3.
Actual problems of informatization of science and production
Information technologies in production management 4.1.
Information technologies in control and mechatronics. 4.2.
Computing machines, complexes and computer networks. 4.3.
Information technologies in pedagogy. 4.4.
Humanities and social sciences, education.
5.1 Contemporary issues of humanities and education: theory, history, practice.
5.2 Theory and methodology of professional education.
5.3 Art text and context: problems of study.
5.4 Problems of Slavic linguistics.
5.5. New paradigms in modern Germanic and Romanistic studies.
5.6 Current problems of journalism.
5.7. Organisation of work with young people.
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