In the period from March 3 to March 4, 2020, the Director of the Center for Advanced Training of Bolashaq Academy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication Kalizhanova Anna Nikolayevna was in Balkhash in order to conduct career guidance work. She took part in the traditional day of school, which was held in school-lyceum No. 17. The event was attended by all participants in the educational process: teachers, students, parents and social partners, who presented their model of education.

Anna Kalizhanova held a master class on “Publication of articles in magazines with a non-zero impact factor”. This section was visited by 10 directors of secondary schools in Balkhash, because the topic of publications in scientific journals is relevant today among school teachers who are used to oral presentations and open lessons and have no practical experience in describing their methodological and scientific developments.

Anna Nikolayevna shared her know-how in structuring scientific and academic texts using Bloom’s taxonomy, which surprised the audience of educators who used this tool only for lesson planning and development of level tasks. It was recognized that since Bloom’s taxonomy can help in writing, it means that the “updating” is still generally positive, despite the dissatisfaction of many participants in the educational process.

As part of the career guidance, a meeting was also held with high school students of School Lyceum 17.
Director of Advanced Training center, senior teacher A.N. Kalizhanova